Friday, September 09, 2011

They say you have to become a robot while doing your A's. Look at this space, I've become half robotic.

Still not a hard working, productive, efficient robot for I daydream so much of my time away but at least my mind's set to being a robot. There is exactly two months left, i feel like I only have one. There is so much to do, so much for this incoherent mind to handle. I think I'm not naturally suited for this system for my thoughts are not as linear.

But I'm going to do it anyway. Someone tell me two months is enough. Tell me it is enough, tell me I can structure my thoughts the way they want me to in two months. They are still all over the place.

There are many changes in my life right now, my friend is leaving and my dad is coming home for good in just two days. The house will be much noisier, there'll be less private space, more control... well all wise men say "we take whatever they throw at us". As much as I dislike motivational quotes, they make sense.

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